代表取締役 / 経営・営業責任者
Representative Director / Management / Sales Owner
Daisuke Hakamada
Born in Aomori, In 2012 he joined FAST RETAILING CO., LTD. As a manager of UNIQLO, he was involved in store management and launching new stores. In Tono brewing, he is mainly in charge of management of blue pubs and sales of beers.

代表取締役 / 醸造責任者
Representative director / Brewery Manager
Mutsumi Ohta
大阪府出身。数理工学専攻の工学博士。NEC、パイオニアなどで研究職に従事し、プラズマテレビなどの開発を行う。2017年、Next Commons Lab遠野にブルワーとして参画。全国30箇所以上のブルワリーを巡り、3つのブルワリーで醸造研修を受ける。遠野醸造では主にビール醸造、品質管理、レシピ開発など、醸造に関する業務全般を担当する。
Born in Osaka. Ph.D. of mathematical engineering. As a research engineer of NEC Co. LTD. and Pioneer Co. Ltd., he developed video data compression technology, plasma TVs and others. In 2017, he participated as a brewer in Next Commons Lab Tono. He visited over 30 breweries throughout the country and trained to make beers by himself at three of them. In Tono brewing, he mainly handles brewing, quality control, recipe development and so on.

取締役 / 渉外・会計責任者
Director / External Relations / Accounting Officer
Tamura Junichi
和歌山県出身。2009年、新卒で株式会社リクルートに入社(後に分社化に伴い株式会社リクルート住まいカンパニーへ)。新規事業の収益化と拡大、地場大手不動産仲介会社へ広告を軸とした経営コンサルティングを担当。2016年、株式会社Next Commonsの創業メンバーとして参画。また、一般社団法人Next Commons Labで他地域での立ち上げ支援も行っている。遠野醸造では主に会計業務、渉外業務、経営に関するアドバイザリー業務を担当する。
Born in Wakayama. In 2009, joined Recruit Co., Ltd. With a new graduate (to the recruitment living company Co., Ltd. following a spin-off company later). Monetizing and expanding new businesses, and management consulting focused on advertising to local large real estate brokerage companies. In 2016, he participated as a founding member of Next Commons, Inc. In addition, he is also supporting launching in other regions with General Commons Laboratories Next Commons Lab. In Tono brewing, he is mainly in charge of advisory services related to accounting, negotiation, and management.